these are provided by Jamee Skidmore ...

Joyce (far left) listens as Molly the Narrator tells the tale of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Ana (2nd from Right) is one of Jacob's wives.  She listens as the Narrator tells the tale of Joseph and his brothers.
The cast sings along with Joseph as he describes his Technicolor Dreamcoat. It was "white and purple and green and gold and blue!"
Ana, the Ishmaelite under the camel's chin, arrives with the other Ishmaelites to buy Joseph from the 11 evil brothers.
As Levi tells the tale of "One more Angel in Heaven" ... ... Ana, 3rd from left, oooh-eeeh-oohs with the other wives and the brothers feign love for the long-lost (wink-wink) brother. They have sold him to Potiphar, who ....
....  hoochy-koochys with his slave girls as his wife (center back) lusts after her slave boys. Joseph is next in line for lust! ...
When Potiphar's wife feigns innocense, Joseph finds himself in jail, but after deciphering the dreams of two of Pharoah's slaves, he finds himself in better company; the chorus sings to him "go go go Joseph" as they go-go themselves! (Ana is left of  the serious 'fro in the back row.)


As Act II begins, we find the Narrator continuing her story ... ... as the kids sing along with her. Joseph is in jail, singing the mournful "Close Every Door", but there is something better waiting for him out there ....
Joseph is thrown into jail, where he thinks his life is over. He finds that his ability to interpret dreams comes in handy, and he interprets for some of the other prisoners. They tell the Pharoah (who looks suspiciously like Elvis ! ) who calls for him to interpret a particularly curious dream ...
Pharoah, retelling his tale to Joseph, and has a cast of slaves and groupies singing background.  Ana is above his right wrist, as Joyce sings below his left elbow. Joseph and Molly the Narrator join in.
Joseph finds that he can help out the Pharoah in Egypt, but he runs into a little trouble with the Pharoah's slave girls .... and Pharoah is NOT too pleased ...
Meanwhile, his brothers and father are starving in Canaan.  The brothers remember the good old days before famine. They reminisce about how wonderful life was before they sold ...  Joseph? Could it be???  So they decide to go to Egypt for help. Little did they know they would meet ...
... Joseph, who finds himself as Number Two in Egypt ... he has slave girls, and so much more ... he decides to play a trick on the brothers who sold him, and the plot thickens ..... (Ana is Slave Girl on far right)
Joseph has framed his youngest brother Benjamin for a crime he didn't commit ... ... but his brothers feel compelled to redeem him.  They sing that Benjamin is an innocent man, and Joseph is hard-pressed to disagree. They reconcile and ...
... the brothers are given food to survive, they have found their long-lost brother who is number-two in Egypt, and Dad has now moved with his wives to join them (Ana, far left).  Life is Good in Joseph-land!!!
Here comes the big finish ... the grand finale ... .. the big production number. Joseph sings with the whole cast, and the audience stands with a roaring applause ... (Joyce, far right)

You have just seen, "Joseph and the Amazing Techicolor Dreamcoat"

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