The hills were alive with sounds of music.....

The Props Crew

Joyce and Ana joined the crew of Sound of Music just before tech week. Ana collected the props and manned the table, and Joyce pushed sets around.  Didn't we just finish doing this!?

[click a picture to see the enlargement]


The nuns ask each other, "how  do  you solve a problem like Maria?"

Maria leaves the nuns and the abbey .... and arrives at the captain's home ...


... where she teaches her new charges how to sing ... do, re, mi.

Looks like they caught
on pretty quickly.



Maria comforts the children by singing about a goat-herd boy while a storm rages outside.

Max ponders the question, "where will I find my next great act?" Little does he know ......

Max and Elsa arrive for the big party.

On the terrace, Maria teaches the kids how to dance, and then Georg joins in to show them how it's really done.


Inside, the guests are dancing too. Franz puts down his butler's tray
to foxtrot and waltz with one
of the ladies.

Then he brings Georg some brandy, one of Ana's props, and the only liquid allowed on the stage.


The children bid goodnight singing
the cuckoo clock song.


Franz the butler, awaiting his
next instruction.


The kids play hide and seek with Max as they sing a festival song.


Gretel can't sing, since she has a hurt finger.

(right)  Max, Elsa and Georg sing about being rich.

  When Maria returns everything is all better.


The nuns preparing for Georg and Maria's wedding.
(left)  Maria hugs the children as the get ready to go into the chapel.
(right)  The nuns sing as Maria and Georg leave, married!
After they return from their honeymoon, Rolf has a warning for Georg.  
Kevin plays the admiral for two weeks.

David plays the admiral for two weeks.
The family performs at the Kaltzberg festival before they make their escape. One last song.  

Max announces the 2nd and 3rd place winners, before he announces the von Trapps.

Maria and Georg and all the kids make their escape thru the mountains.

And they live happily ever after!