Our Trip To Texas

On our spring break we went to Texas to visit Grandpa.  Here are some of the places we visited while we were in Houston and the Piney Woods.

We went out to the Johnson Space Center and went on the NASA tram tour. 

[click on a picture for the larger image]

Our first stop was the building that housed the historic Mission Control Center that was used during the Apollo Era.

We sat in the observation area [below left] where the astronauts' families would watch the different launch activities, and we watched simulated video of some of the different missions that occurred [above left and center].  Behind the seating were photos [above right] of some of the different moon landings. Our guide [below center] spent about 20 minutes telling us a variety of details.  There are two granite memorial slabs in front of the building [below right].
At Hangar X we got to see where they store the prototypes and partially completed craft that they just can't part with. That way they can always go back to the drawing board without recreating the drawing!
Back onto the tram and off to the Space Lab building. In the foyer of the building is a mural [above right] of one of the previous inhabitants of the space craft.  Here the astronauts practice moves they will need to complete in space. They try to simulate the zero gravity by adjusting and changing weight and balance on the different pieces of equipment [next 7 images].
[above center and right] Banners hang on the walls representing each of the Shuttles in the US program, as well as the different international agencies that have space programs.
Our guide and tram driver who kept us on schedule and well informed. One of the many satellites on the premises that keep the center and the world informed. Joyce, on the tram, between buildings.
The "Rocket Garden" Toward the end of the tram ride, we passed by the Western Heritage Pavilion.
A brief .mpg of the tram tour. Back at the visitor's center, you can get audio units to hear about the many displays made available for the public to enjoy. [above center and right] A shuttle display, from the outside ...
... and inside.  An in-flight uniform. Breakfast! Coffe and creamer. Mmmm. A hatch, and ... the "facilities"

Some of the different control panels are recreated for our enlightenment. It looked like there was seating for more informative communication sessions, but we didn't get to this display [above right] until near closing time.

Before we headed out on the tram tour, we posed for their (I'm sure) cash cow photo op.  We liked it, so we got it. Now we share it with you.

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