[click an image for a full-size picture]


What conjures up this familiar
title better than a cowboy hat and
fishnet stockings.We
had 11 performances
over four weekends. 
And a lot of fun!!


My original character was as
Doatsie Mae, the wise-cracking
proprietress of the local diner.


Then they needed someone to be
the aged original proprietress
of  the Chicken Ranch ...
and that was to be me as well.

The final role assigned was a news
reporter.  Well at least I got to wear
my black wig again. Everyone loves
how this one looks.

  A few of the cast members, as we wait
for the nightly director's call to begin.

Miss Wulla Jean, with the future state
governor, and ......

Miss Wulla Jean with that scallawag
Melvin P Thorpe.


The official
cast portrait


Scenes from the show:
Miss Wulla Jean, with the Narrator, as
he reminisces about the Chicken
Ranch's early beginnings. 

Doatsie Mae serving up coffee and
caustic commentary.


As the reporter,
commenting that the
governor's remarks
are going "right over
my head!"


As the governor side-steps,
we sing back-up.

Doatsie Mae providing her
two-cents on the mess the
sheriff has gotten us all into.




The finale pose.

The country western band.


Our fabulous set, complete with
see-thru walls, so you can see that
there's "nothin' dirty goin' on!"

