The Annual New Years Eve Talent Show!

  Each year we hold our annual talent show, and this year was no different. Ana stepped in at the last minute to perform as Nana's "understudy" when she wanted to enact Carroll's  "Jabberwok" wearing hats and doing voices for each of the characters.
    Eli and Kirsten danced to Singing in the Rain, (with an assist by Bo).
  Ezra played drums while mom danced Eli and Yosi told jokes.
  Yochanan sang while Dad played, and Mom held the mike. Bo sang along with Dad.
  We had a return of the gameshow "Wheel of Yiddish" starring Vanna Schwartz and a cast of thousands -- well at least 4!
  Eli played piano. David sang some Dylan and Peter, Paul and Mary.
  After the talent part of the evening, those who were interested stuck around and got salsa lessons. Joyce was interested, and spent the next hour-plus dancing the night away.  It was just before Midnight when we left, and as we turned onto the freeway onramp, right ahead of us was a magnificent fireworks explosion that heralded the New Year for us!

We hope this next year is a blessing for all who read this.

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