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Mame sings "It's Today" [Ana is behind her right hand]

Party-goers at Mame's sing along






Cast Parties


Mame meets her nephew Patrick
[Ana watches from behind the bugle]

Gregor, Beau and Madame Branislowski [Ana] at the Salon Pour Messieurs

"I've never seen anything so horrible!" Madame screams as Gregor shrieks in terror in her ear. Beau insists he isn't hurt, and Mame apologizes profusely. It's a perfectly ridiculous, marvelous scene!

"I'm always happy, Beauregard!"
Mother Burnside [Ana] tells her son.

Mother prefers Sally Cato 
and tries to convince Beau.

Mother snubs Mame       


Everyone watches the fox hunt, waiting for something to happen to Mame.

When everyone is finally convinced that Beau has made the right choice, Sally Cato leaves in a huff, and the rest of the family sings of all the wonders of Mame. Mother even declares her whole-hearted approval, in front of one and all!


Victoria and Ana watch as "Pegeen" adjusts an exotic mobile at the top of the ladder. This was Ana's favorite costume.

Ana, taking her bows with
"Gregor" and "Uncle Jeff"

Patrick tangos with his Auntie Mame