OCTOBERBirthday month! ... 'nuff said :) See the pictures. At the right are the flowers they got for their special day. Shows we've seen with friends, starring friends, or (oooh!) starring celebrities: Oliver by the Glue Factory at the Pioneer Performing Arts Center; Chicago starring Huey Lewis in San Francisco; Gilligan's Island the Musical (yes, you read that right!). Ana went on Halloween Night in her Silent Movie Star costume, and won a prize for dressing as someone in the cast (well close - she said she was Ginger's great aunt, the silent movie star - hey it won a prize!) The gals know Ginger, the Professor and the Skipper. |
One of Ana's cast-mates from Birdie invited her to sing
back-up on his recordings of some Neil Diamond songs ... very exciting
since Ana has loved Neil since she was 12!! For Thanksgiving, the girls ventured down So-Cal way to visit with Mickey and the Gang!! Click here for the pictures. |
DECEMBERFirst, Happy Chanukah to All! We all light the first candles mid-month, and celebrate for eight days. Joyce will spend her first week of winter break with Mom, and the second week with Dad. For the first time ever ... the girls went to San Jose's Christmas in the Park. They've lived there so long and never been. What a wonderful, festive, family-filled area. See the pictures of that and all their other activities during Joyce's winter break from school. Joyce spent her first week of school break with Mom, and joined Dad for the second. |
Shows we've seen with friends: Aida, which had many of our friends in it. We went to a Sharks game, but they lost. We followed up that game with a 49er game, but they lost too. Not a good month for Bay Area sports. |
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